Certified Apartment Maintenance Technician Test Study Guide
To obtain the CAMT credential, candidates must complete the following:. Minimum of 12 months of apartment or rental housing maintenance experience. (This can be obtained while taking the course, you will receive a provisional certificate until this requirement is met.). Successful completion of all CAMT coursework (totaling 80 hours). Meet all examination standards within 12 months of declaring candidacy Enroll in the Program Courses may be taken as standalone seminars or in full to earn the industry credential. NAAEI credential programs are scheduled by local and state affiliates.
Step 1:Find and register a course at your local and state affiliate. Step 2: After you have registered with your local affiliate, enroll as a cadidate in the CAMT program. Don't Forget to Claim Your Digital Badge! Once you have earned the CAMT credential, you will receive an email from ProExam Vault with an invitation to claim your Digital Badge, which allows you to market yourself as an apartment professional with valuable skills. Earning your CAMT credential gives you special membership in the Apartment Institute for Maintenance Excellence (AIME) As a member of AIME, you will be acknowledged as a leader in the field of Apartment Maintenance and can prove that you are tuned into the most up to date information on industry regulations and other changing standards. You will also have the opportunity to take advantage of maintenance training designed specifically for CAMT credential holders.
The AIME membership requires annual renewal based on the anniversary date of completion. Submission of both annual AIME membership dues of $50 and documentation of three hours of continuing education credit should be submitted to complete the annual AIME membership renewal. For more information about the Certificate for Apartment Maintenance Technicians program contact at 703-518-6141.
Apartment communities, commercial properties and schools are just a few examples of places. Certified Maintenance and Reliability Technician Program. The exam has more than 300 questions, and other topic areas covered include. Things to Study to Become a Certified Arborist Bicycle Mechanic Certification. • Used as a guideline by maintenance technician to complete a make-ready apartment. • Turn water off and test to make sure it is off • Unscrew (counterclockwise bonnet nut and stem assembly). Certificate for Apartment Maintenance Technicians (CAMT) Skill Checks with Answer Key.
We would love to hear your feedback regarding the CAMT program. Please email the to.
Earning your CAMT validates your knowledge, enhances your reputation and credibility, boosts your confidence and earns you respect. The CAMT program is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a private non-profit organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. Voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. Agenda May 22 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Introductions and Interior/Exterior Maintenance Introductions, registering online if needed, soft skills and customer service, trim tab, interior and exterior maintenance May 23 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Electrical maintenance repair Includes a skill check review from day one and three-way wiring group activity May 24 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Appliance Repair & Plumbing Includes skill check from day two.
Maintenance Technician Test Study Guide
May 25 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Plumbing (cont'd) and Heating & Ventilation Includes a skill check from day three. May 26 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Heating & Ventilation (cont'd) and Air Conditioning Includes skill check from day four, plus information on testing. For More Information.