Ciria Guide 2
SHEAR STRENGTH OF REINFORCED AND PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DEEP BEAMS. PART I: CURRENT DESIGN METHODS AND A PROPOSED EQUATION Data from a total of 328 deep beams (including 30 prestressed deep beams), of which 72 beams were from the authors' own experiments, were used to evaluate the performance of the shear strength formulae recommended by several major design guides. The data were collected from 17 different research laboratories around the world. The authors' own experimental beams include 34 newly tested deep beams (13 reinforced and 21 prestressed) that are described in detail in a companion paper (see Part II) (IRRD 898904). The present paper essentially provides critical reviews of the bases of current major design guides and compares them with the authors' latest research findings. This work is part of an extensive research programme on concrete deep beams at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Ciria Guide Sp 31
1.3 Current design practice The subsequent sections of this chapter will summarise the main design recommendations of: the CIRIA Guide 2, the (draft).
- The extended CIRIA Guide 2 equation reported here is the only one of the major design codes and manuals that can be used for both reinforced and prestressed [PDF] Lincoln Welding Machine Wiring Code Operating Manual.pdf Reinforced concrete deep beams prof.
- CIRIA SuDS Manual 2015. The SuDS Manual ii. The SuDS Manual. Woods Ballard, B, Wilson, Udale-Clarke, H, Illman, S, Scott, T, Ashley, R, Kellagher, R.
The paper includes a new proposal for the shear design of reinforced and prestressed concrete deep beams. The proposal is an extension of the method recommended in the CIRIA Guide 2; to the authors' knowledge, the extended CIRIA Guide 2 equation reported here is the only one of the major design codes and manuals that can be used for both reinforced and prestressed concrete deep beams and which also allows for the effects of various types of web reinforcement. (A). Corporate Authors: Thomas Telford Limited London, United Kingdom. Authors:.
Conference:. Publication Date: 1998-5 Language. English Media Info.
Features: References;. Pagination: p. 112-23. Serial:. Volume: 128. Issue Number: 2 Subject/Index Terms. TRT Terms:;;;;;;;;;;;.
Ciria Guide 2 Research
Geographic Terms:. ITRD Terms:;;;;;;;;;;;. Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Design; Filing Info. Accession Number: 00752360. Record Type: Publication. Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory. Files: ITRD.
Sep 18 1998 12:00AM.