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Myers Motivation Study Guide

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Learning Outcomes (from the Myers text – Chapter 12: Motivation and Work) 1. Define motivation as psychologists use the term today, and name four perspectives useful for studying motivated behaviors. Discuss the similarities and differences between instinct theory and evolutionary perspective.

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Study Myers' Psychology for AP* discussion and chapter questions and find Myers' Psychology for AP* study guide questions and answers. Myers ap psychology study guide answers study link help selected answers 3. Ap psychology chapter 12 motivation psychology david myers 7th edition study.

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Myers Motivation Study GuideMyers

MOTIVATION AND EMOTION Darwin’s theory of natural selection caused many psychologists to try and explain all human behaviors through instincts, most agree that our behavior is motivated by other biological and psychological factors. Drive reduction theory – behavior is motivated by biological needs. A need is one of our requirements for survival, a drive is our impulse to act in a way that satisfies this need. Homeostasis- balanced internal state.

Myers Motivation Study Guide Answers

Drives are primary and secondary-. Primary- biological needs like thirst and hunger. Secondary – learned drives like money. Drive reduction theory cannot explain all our motivations. Arousal Theory- states that we seek an optimum level of excitement or arousal, most of us perform best with an optimum level of arousal.

Myers Motivation Study Guide Pdf

Yerkes-Dobson law –high level of arousal may cause us to perform well at easy tasks but poorly on difficult tasks.